
What does it do?

The meCoffee is PID controller for espresso machines. Most espresso machines have a fluctuation in boiler temperature up to 20° Celsius. By installing a PID controller, this can be reduced to a fraction of degree.

Additionally the meCoffee is able to control other functions enabling features like preinfusion, pressure profiling, a backflushing program and more.

How does it work?

The meCoffee is a small box with is installed within your machine, without any changes to the exterior of the machine. All required changes are easily reversible. The controller is able to sense the boiler temperature and control the boiler and peripherals. This way stable boiler temperature is achieved and secondary functions like preinfusion, pressure profiling, maintenance automation and timer functionality are possible.

Configuration and monitoring

The controller is configurable through Bluetooth with an App on your phone, tablet or computer which provides a rich user experience without any ugly dials, displays or knobs. Check out the meBarista App.

Did you receive your meCoffee and want to install it? Check the installation manual.