
meCoffee installation manual
This manual is divided into 10 small steps and each step provides you with a clear result. These steps are designed and arranged in this order to protect you and your equipment.

If you have not yet watched the installation video on Youtube, do so first. This will give you an idea of the procedure, keep in mind the video shows an obsolete version of meCoffee which has a different connection scheme. It is important to use the written manual below.

The installation procedure is divided into 10 small steps with clear defined results for each step. For most people installing up to step 5 ( Active PID ) will be very satisfactory. Others might want preinfusion, pressure-control, steaming or a wake-up timer: it is up to you.

Make sure your machine is unplugged and disconnected from the mains / wall-socket whenever you need to touch inner parts. The best way to make sure is to place the socket in sight so you can check easily if it is plugged in or not.

meCoffee is currently supported for all Rancilio Silvia’s ever made, Gaggia Classic, Vibiemme Domobar and we also offer a generic cable set. This manual is dynamic and adapts itself to the model you want to install. The default manual variant is for Rancilio Silvia V1 – V4. Adjust to your model below or from every page in the sidebar at any time.

Installation manual variant for :

Now disassemble your espresso-machine until you can safely reach all electrical components. Follow the following steps and verify the definition of succes at each step. There is no point in continuing to the next step when the definition of succes is not met. And we can only support you one step at a time.

  1. Run meBarista, disable boiler
  2. Connect meCoffee
  3. Monitor boiler
  4. Passive PID
  5. Active PID
  6. Preinfusion
  7. Steaming
  8. Pressure control
  9. Timer
  10. Wrapping up