Step 2 : Connect meCoffee

Step 2 : Connect meCoffee
Your meCoffee needs to get powered up and tested. Therefore the power leads will be connected and a connection with meBarista will be tested.

Connect to pins 2 and 6

Open your meCoffee and place the enclosed sensor at a safe position.

Fetch the green and red wires from the 1st cable set : these have a single female on one end, and a female+male on the other.

Do yourself a favor and keep the 2nd cable set in the packaging, there is no need for it until you decide to progress to Step 6 : Preinfusion.

Locate the power button of your Silvia.

Remove the black wire from the upper left terminal of the power button and combine it with female+male side of the green wire from the set. Remount the combined wires onto the terminal and connect the other side of the green wire to terminal #2 of your meCoffee. This feeds NEUTRAL power into your meCoffee.

Remove the red wire from the upper right terminal of the power button and combine it with female+male side of the red wire from the set. Remount the combined wires onto the terminal and connect the other side of the red wire to terminal #6 of your meCoffee. This feeds LIVE power into your meCoffee.

Locate the brew button of your Silvia V5.

Connect the female+male side of the green wire to the existing (black)neutral-wire on the lower left terminal of the brew button and insert it at the original terminal of the neutral wire. Connect the female side of this green wire to terminal #2 (neutral) of the meCoffee.

Connect the female+male side of the red wire to the existing (red)live-wire on the lower right erminal of the brew button and insert it at the original terminal of the red wire. Connect the female side of this red wire to terminal #6 (live) of the meCoffee.

Locate the rear power connector of your Gaggia Classic.

Connect the female+male side of the green wire to the terminal of the power connector with the brown wire. Connect the female side of this green wire to terminal #2 (neutral) of the meCoffee.

Connect the female+male side of the red wire to the terminal of the power connector with the blue wire. Connect the female side of this red wire to terminal #6 (live) of the meCoffee.

Because your meCoffee is now powered directly from the power socket, completion of timer step is required.

Now connect the female+male side of the green wire to the upper terminal of the power button on the side which has a blue wire on the lower terminal. Connect the female side of this green wire to terminal #2 (neutral) of your meCoffee.

Connect the female+male side of the red wire to the upper terminal of the power button on the side which has a brown wire on the lower terminal. Connect the female side of this red wire to terminal #6 (live) of your meCoffee.

Be careful to place your meCoffee as well as the sensor in a stable position, isolated from any conductive materials and turn your machine on. Be careful.

Start meBarista : if your meCoffee is a BLE variant, it needs no pairing and should connect automagically. If your meCoffee is a Classic Bluetooth variant, either pair it using PIN 4321 yourself or if you are on Android, wait for meBarista to pair itself ( might take a couple of minutes ).

Definition of success
Red power light on your meCoffee is on

Green alive light on your meCoffee blinks every second

meBarista connects to your meCoffee and is reading room temperature
Step 1 : Run meBarista, disable boilerImportant notes about the installation
Step 3 : Monitor boilerInstall sensor